Nomination Criteria

The following criteria form the basis for selection:

How to nominate?

In order to nominate a peer to win the Devotion Global Award, please submit PDF the reasons why the individual will qualify. To fill in the form swiftly see below the different criteria you will be asked to fill in.

[email protected]


□What is the nomination process?

□Am I allowed to nominate myself?

Self-nomination for the award is not permitted. You will need to be nominated by a peer to be eligible.

If the deadline is over and I forgot to submit a nomination. May I sill send my nomination to be considered for an awards?

Ols more than one person able nominate me for the award?

Ol am based in a different country then my nominator(s). Are they still able to nominate me?

Yes, submission is open across different continents.

DAm I able to send my nomination in a different language?

We are not able to receive a nomination from different languages. The only language we are able to get your submission is in English.

ODo I need to submit my nomination via the nomination file?